What is the
Solidarity Doctors Campaign in Arequipa?

We are a group of doctors and people of different professions born in Arequipa, whose objective is to gather as many resources as possible to provide doctors, health professionals, administrative and assistance personnel of hospitals and health centers in Arequipa, with equipment and instruments that allow them to provide their professional services in an adequate and safe way.

We are driven by the courage and dedication of women and men who demonstrate their humanity in these times of fear and pain.

During these months of action, we have been supported by companies such as Gloria S.A., Compañía de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A., FLUOR and fantastic Arequipans from all over the world. We have managed to provide PPE to the hospitals Honorio Delgado y Goyeneche, Cerro Juli Care and Isolation Center, health centers in Paucarpata, Mariano Melgar, Manuel Prado, Hunter, San Martín, reaching Camaná, Mollendo, Chiguata and Chuquibamba, as well as Resident Doctors from different hospitals in our city.

  • We must emphasize that the PPE requirements were enormous and increasing everyday.
  • At some point the PPEs meant the only protector of their lives against the risk of death due to the viral load to which they were exposed on a daily basis. As harsh and pathetic as it reads.

We were also able to supply 1 Monnal T50 Mechanical Ventilator and 27 High Flow Oxygen Flow Regulating Equipment (Wayrachis) to Hospital Honorio Delgado, thus reinforcing its capacity to care for critically ill patients. We have donated thermometers and pulse oximeters to health centers in Arequipa’s periphery so that they can lend them to their patients. Thus making it easier for them to follow through with their treatment plan at home with their families. We have also provided tents and light reflectors to various health centers outside the city whose demands for care have exceeded their infrastructure. In parallel to these actions, we also work to share professional information through Radio stations in Arequipa.

Although COVID cases have decreased, our health system continues to have many deficiencies. We are in constant and direct contact with the doctors of Hospital Honorio Delgado, Hospital Goyeneche and other Health Centers, reviewing all our possibilities to support all the staff - in the most suitable way - so that they can attend to their patients in an adequate and safe way.

Current information on the web


You can find our web address with all our data in detail at:

Our commitment

We started our activities in April 2020, as an emergency action. We could not remain passive in the face of this situation, we did not want to be accomplices of the ineptitude and disdain of those who, being able to do something, did nothing; or if they did, it was insufficient. We did not want time to come to pass, to have to accept that we were all witnesses and did nothing hoping that those responsible would do it.

After more than a year of continuous action, we see that our work cannot be finish and we remain motivated to support the health care with activities focused on reinforcing those deficiencies that are still delayed. Today health care professionals continue to need our help, health care continues to be a top priority.

We must emphasize that our actions have been possible thanks to our alliance with Red de Corazones in Lima https://reddecorazones.com.pe, and the great support of Médicos Solidarios Lima, as well as Freundeskreis Arequipa e.V. in Germany www.freundeskreis-arequipa.com, who have made their experience and platforms available to us to channel donations in Peru and Europe.

Campaña Médicos Solidarios en Arequipa

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